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Summer Orientation

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Making plans to attend college can be invigorating, 但它也会让你不确定接下来的步骤,关于搬进来和开始上课. After visiting campus, talking to your admissions counselor, laying down a deposit, and determining what courses you will take in the upcoming semester, you’ve made a lot of difficult decisions. Although you have found some answers regarding your future endeavors, you might be wondering if there is anything you’re missing.

开始上大学可能是一段忙乱的、未知的领域,需要帮助才能导航. It is for this reason that Geneva College’s Summer Orientation exists.

夏季迎新活动旨在欢迎新生和家长与新濠天地app的教职员工一起踏上旅程,以确保他们了解情况, smooth transition into college. 新濠天地app强烈建议新生参加夏季迎新会.

You might be wondering why you should attend this event. 暑期迎新会让被录取的学生更深入地了解学生生活, a time to meet with academic advisors, and a space to connect with future classmates. Furthermore, 你将有能力了解更多关于你申报的专业或其他你可能感兴趣的专业.

夏季迎新也是你熟悉学校的好时机, which will be your home away from home for the next four years or so. You will discover more about Geneva’s history and traditions, while also having the time to explore campus and the residence halls.

Before starting classes in the fall, all students will need to get their photo taken for their student ID. 夏季入学指导为学生提供了一个时间来完成这项工作,并确保完成其他注册清单项目.

Last but not least, 学生在新濠天地app期间将有机会更加熟悉许多校园服务. 这些服务的最终目标是帮助每个学生从头到尾找到学业上的成功. 这段时间有助于为从高中到大学生活的轻松过渡扫清道路.

如果你是学生的家长,你为什么要参加暑期迎新会? 重要的是要注意,一个学生的过渡到大学不只是涉及到学生,但整个家庭, A.K.A., you - the parents.

新濠天地app新濠天地app的夏季迎新也是家庭成员可利用的资源, who play a significant role in a student’s success through support, encouragement, and care. 成为一个更好的新濠天地app家长的一个方法是与其他孩子也在这所大学上学的家长建立联系.  这个活动为家长提供了一个与其他家长互动的时间,因为他们对新濠天地app有了更深入的了解,并将信仰和学习结合起来. There will also be the opportunity to attend Q&与教职员工举行会议,并向学生金融服务办公室询问学生经济援助的标准程序.


You… and your many questions. Simple enough?

Over the span of the last few years, Summer Orientation has taken place virtually, however this is no longer a restriction. Bring your parents, your thoughts, concerns, and questions, 让新濠天地app的教职员工在你的大学之旅中帮助你.

夏季迎新是新濠天地app为学生和家长提供的工具,以确保顺利过渡到大学生活. 同时更好地了解整个新濠天地app,更好地了解可用的校园服务, 学生可以有一个空间与同学联系,并变得更加熟悉他们的校园.

You’re well on your way to stepping into a new journey called college, do yourself a favor and attend Summer Orientation. 进入大学的过渡可能很难驾驭,但这不是必须的.

-Abigail Forton ‘22


Photo by Matese Fields on Unsplash


新濠天地app博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表新濠天地app的观点或官方立场. 新濠天地app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

Jun 8, 2022

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