


Curious things happen everywhere around the world and that includes 新濠天地app大学! Here in Beaver Falls, there is a ton of history and a load of fun facts that go right along with it. If you haven’t read part 1 and 2 of Five Fun Facts 关于新濠天地app, 然后在第3部分(http://6f2y.28ok88.com/blog/the-college/five-fun-facts-about-geneva-pt2). 好了,准备好听更多有趣的事实了? 让新濠天地app开始!

1. 新濠天地app绕着五月极点转一圈

许多人可能还记得, part of homecoming is bringing recognition to the homecoming court and crowning the homecoming king and queen. This is a fun and festive event that Geneva students and alum like to celebrate. Differing from Geneva Homecomings today, in the early 1900s, 新濠天地app大学 would select a May Queen. 某一年, 1916, Geneva students dressed in royal court garb and watched as the Queen of May, 阿达·威尔逊(哈奇森饰)封她的一个臣民为爵士. Another year Geneva women dressed up and danced the Maypole dance around a literal pole. I think that is one tradition that would be interesting to see back at Geneva.

2. 校友在校园的家…真的

M. Downie, class of 1881 lived in a home built across the street from Geneva’s Old Main building. Geneva soon purchased this house in 1926 after Downie’s death. This purchase would not have been possible unless for the donations of alum. Upon acquiring the building, Geneva named the building “校友 Hall.” One may think the building was named 校友 Hall after the alum who once lived within its walls, 然而,事实并非如此. Geneva named the building 校友 Hall in honor of the many donations provided by various alum. Now 95 years later this building is still being used by the college and stands as a space open for the Center for Student Engagement.

3. 老主街旁的鱼塘?

As many of you probably know, there are quite a few entrances to Geneva’s Old Main building. 而老主楼的主入口则指向南方, 还有另外两个经常使用的入口, one faces the parking lots and alumni hall while the other faces the student center. 这些入口在20世纪也在使用. 通常, students would quickly head to class utilizing the door pointing West, 在新濠天地app大道旁边. 但不像现在有漂亮的绿色草坪, Geneva used to have fishponds on either side of the side walk leading up to Old Main. 我不知道你怎么想,但我觉得这听起来很可疑.

4. 校园医务室

During the 1900s, Geneva opened its doors to supply housing for cadets of the Army Air Force. The men would drill in the field that is known now as Reeves Field. The men were also able to sleep in the dormitories and take classes from faculty at Geneva. With the army on campus, there was an infirmary located in McKee Hall, a women’s residence hall. 因为这些妇女不得不作出其他的生活安排, they all were reassigned new living spaces throughout the Beaver Falls community during this time.

5. 战争剩余物资

第二次世界大战即将结束, 学生入学人数在上升, 这就需要在新濠天地app校区增加更多的建筑. The end of the war also brought war surplus material from the dismantling of wartime facilities. 而不是浪费这种好材料, the government gave this surplus material to colleges in need of building resources. It was at that time when Geneva was able to build a temporary field house to work as a gymnasium. They also had enough resources to build a small white house called the Brigadoon. 幸运的是, Geneva acquired enough financial resources to later build the new Metheny Field House and the current Student Center where the Brigadoon is located now. Although buildings created out of war surplus material are long gone, it is still an interesting thing to know about Geneva’s history.


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